Surety Bond

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Surety Bond:

Surety Bond is a three-party agreement by which party one the surety company guarantees the performance of second party the principle to a third party the obligee. 

How Surety Bond Works?
  1. The principal purchases the surety bond to guarantee quality and completion of contracted work.
  2. The obligee is the entity who requires the principal to purchase the bond.
  3. The surety is the entity that issues the bond and financially guarantees the principal’s ability to complete the contracted work.
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More Bond Types:

  • Farm Labor Contractor Bond
  • Finance Lender Bond
  • Fish & Game Guide Bond
  • Food Stamp Bond
  • Fund Raisers Bond
  • ICC Broker Bond
  • Immigration Consultant Bond
  • Insurance Broker Bond
  • Insurance Adjusters Bond – Private
  • Insurance Adjusters Bond – Public
  • Legal Document Assistant Bond
  • Miscellaneous Contractor / Local Compliance Bond
  • Notary Public Bond
  • Nurses’ Registry Bond
  • Pest Control License Bond
  • Process Server Bond
  • Professional Photocopier
  • Sale Tax
  • Seller of Travel Bond
  • Surplus Lines Broker Bond
  • Tax Preparer Bond
  • Talent Agency Bond
  • Talent Service Bond
  • USDA Livestock Dealer and Packer Bond
  • Waste Tire Hauler
  • Wine Bond
  • Yacht & Ship Broker Bond